Digital Member Benefits

Digital Member Benefits

Digital Backgrounds

As a thank you for your support, please download your favorite Cincinnati Nature Center image below to use for a computer and/or mobile phone background!

Computer Backgrounds

Download your favorite Nature Center image for your computer's background. 

On a PC/Windows Computer:

  1. Click on the image.
  2. In the next window, right click on the image.
  3. Choose "Save image as"

On a Mac:

  1. Click on the image.
  2. In the next window, hold down control and click on the image.
  3. Choose "Save image as"

Bumblebee on Eastern Redbud Tree

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Chipmunk

Mallards on Powel Crosley Lake

Mobile Phone Backgrounds

Download your favorite image to use as your lock and/or Home Screen on your phone!

On an iPhone:

  1. Click the image you want
  2. In the next window, touch and hold down on the image until a menu pops up. 
  3. Click on "Save Image" or "Add to Photos"
  4. Go to your Photos and click on the saved image. 
  5. Click the box with the upward pointing arrow.
  6. Scroll down to "Use as Wallpaper" and click on that. 
  7. Click on "Set" and choose whether you want it on “Home Screen,” “Lock Screen," or both

On an Android:

  1. Click the image that you want.
  2. In the next window, touch and hold down on the image until a menu pops up.
  3. Click on "Download Image"
  4. Go to your Photos or location where downloads are stored and click on the saved image
  5. When the image opens, click the menu 3 dots
  6. Click on “Set as wallpaper”
  7. Choose whether you want it on “Home Screen,” “Lock Screen," or both

Bumblebee on Eastern Redbud Tree

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Chipmunk

Mallards on Powel Crosley Lake