
Bob and his dog, Cuppie, hiking at Avey's Run
Bob and his dog, Cuppie, hiking at Avey's Run

My Journey from MD to Retiree to Naturalist

December 15, 2021

by Bob Buring, Naturalist My default activity as a child was playing in the woods, which ensured I was usually outside. As a young adult my passion for the outdoors evolved into backpacking with my children, teaching

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Daddy long legs/harvestman hanging on a white wall
A daddy long-legs or harvestman

Long Legs vs Long Legs

by Cody Howard, Development and Marketing Intern Growing up, it was common for me to see a daddy long-legs chilling in the corner of the family room. For whatever

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Olivia Bautch, blog author, stands on a trail at Rowe Woods, Looking up.

Why the World Is So Big

November 9, 2021

by Olivia Bautch, Environmental Interpretation Intern For over 14 years, I have been a birdwatcher, observant of both murmuration and chip calls, fascinated by both fierce falcon and miniscule kinglet. Between

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Melissa Sabo, school programs manager, helps two students from Woodlawn Elementary plant some plants.
Melissa Sabo, School Programs Manager, with students from Woodlawn Elementary

Bringing Nature to Schools

November 1, 2021

by Cassie Barnes, Digital Communications Specialist On two unseasonably warm and sunny October days, staff from Cincinnati Nature Center went back to school. Instead of backpacks and school supplies, they had native

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Image of a glowing firefly sitting on a green leaf, surrounded by the yellow flashes of other fireflies in the distance.

Flashes in the Night

by Linda Romine As dusk approached on the evening of May 19, a small group of volunteers gathered and walked into the forest near Lotus Pond. They searched the trees and saw... nothing. They then walked to the cabin

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Finding Home

In partnership with an ArtsWave Catalyzing Impact Grant in 2021, Joel was chosen to create an interactive, semi-permanent art piece for our Nature PlayScape. This blog entry recounts his inspiration and work to create his piece.

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